
17 Months!

Henry has been quite the little walker this weekend. He also started climbing a bit, which is the first we've seen. Jt snapped some pictures of this feat while i was downstairs cleaning. He hasn't attempted to climb on furniture yet, but i'm sure we'll have a little monkey on our hands before too much longer.

Friday afternoon we met up with Henry's playgroup at the park. We've been mostly on hiatus over the summer, so it was so fun to see how big everyone has gotten and catch up with people. Henry is generally more interested in putting leaves in his pockets than playing on the playground equipment, but by the end he seemed pretty content and adjusted to all the new people.

We checked out the baby stuff sale my old church was having as a fundraiser this morning and came away with some good bargains. We picked up a second pack-n-play for the new baby and several really nice toys for Henry including a huge bin of wood blocks. He's been pretty contentedly playing all day with his new finds and his favorite drawer of plastic bowls and utensils. His nap was slightly short today, so we're off to an early bedtime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun, Henry! Love the neon diapers (and the ring-worm)! Love Oma