We had Silas' one year checkup on Thursday. We mostly talked our Ped's ear off about Silas sleep issues-- great one night terrible the next and checked off the pre-requisite developmental concerns as well. He's smack dab in the 10-25% percentile for weight which he's been since his early baby chubby days. I think he was 19 lbs. 12 oz to be exact and 31 in. long which works out to 75% percentile for height-- long and lean as she said. I guess Henry really was small because Silas looks like a downright sturdy baby to me but i guess he still doesn't hold a candle to those 90%percentile whoppers out there.

I believe i've been remiss in telling you about the onslaught of teeth Silas is suffering. He had 0 for almost the first 12 months of his life and then on the 23rd of March i noticed the bottom two coming in. Then this past weekend we saw the bottom two coming in as well. Dr. P checked them out and said the top right one is really swollen and probably uncomfortable for him. She recommended motrin at bedtime to help him deal with the discomfort and sleep a little better.
Yes the sleep. She said his ear infection is gone-- although he does have fluid still in his ear and wants to see him back in a few weeks when we go for Henry's 3 year appt. Otherwise she said that most likely his freak-outs at night are developmental-- separation anxiety, night terrors- all kinds of things that are "normal" around this age but hard to deal with. She recommended a few concrete things to try and to keep an eye on so i'll let you know in future posts how that works out. We had started moving his bedtime back to around 7:15 on nights he seemed like he could stay up later but we've since decided that was a bad idea and moved it back promptly to 7 and possibly a few minutes before. He transitioned to just one nap a few weeks ago and over tiredness may actually be causing some of the problems.

We've got lots of outdoor projects planned this weekend so i'm hoping the weather is cooperative. I'm also attempting to have both Henry and Silas' photographed tomorrow so you might want to check in on me at the end of the weekend to see if we survived. Happy Spring.
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