
So, i don't feel tired from pregnancy, but that doesn't mean i'm not feeling exhausted. In preparation for the baby, and because JT is now gainfully employed, we're doing quite a bit of work on our place.

Phase 1 was the arrival of my new Ikea office furniture on Thursday night. JT was still in DC for work, and i couldn't bear to have 20 cartons of furniture lying unopened in my living room, so i started to work putting everything together. After 6.5 hours the first day and several more since then, i've gotten all my office furniture and two wardrobes assembled and set-up. The corrallary to the new office furniture was moving my office out to the nook off our living room which you can see in the picture.

Phase 2 involved moving the current guest room/JT's office to my old office space to ready the old guest room for the nursery. This was mostly achieved this weekend and has left me tired and my back a little sore. I'm looking forward to sitting at my desk all day this week!

Phase 3 will be the bathroom remodeling that our contractor is set to start this week. Along with remodeling the bathroom (which has required umpteen trips to home depot and other bathroom supply stores), we'll be installing gas logs and doing a few other small improvements around the place to make things even more livable.

I'll have pictures of each phase, but suffice to say all this work has tired me out! Posted by Hello

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