
Trytobe Athlete

There's something about certain occupations that leaves lots of folks intimidated. I guess because they aren't credentialed and accredited. You know if your a Doctor because you have a medical degree, ditto for lawyers and bus drivers. But aside from professional athletes, there is a whole class of people that aspire to be athletes and fall somewhere on the scale of declared amateur athletes to tentatively aspiring athletes. Lots of people say they're a wannabe runner, swimmer, triathlete, insert activity here. I've decided to be a tytobe athlete. I'm just doing my best, working my training as a priority into my life but not taking on goals i can't handle.

After running an exhilarating 8K race on Thanksgiving i decided to sign-up for Chicago's March 8K Shamrock Shuffle race to try to improve my time and then for the sprint distance (half) triathlon in August.

I'm a very disciplined sort of person. It doesn't take me paying for an expensive gym, a personal trainer or a boot-camp to get out there and exercise. But, I have found that i do push myself further and prioritize my workouts more when i have an actual race to prepare for. First of all it's a definite time period, i.e. here's my 8 week workout plan. Also, i've been signing up with friends so there's a little peer pressure to respond to if i wimp out.

For now i just know that i'm out there doing my run in 28 degree weather because at 6 degrees tomorrow is going to have to be my gym cardio day. And when i work up to my longer runs in weeks 5-7 i'll have to schedule them during naptime on the weekends-- sacred time. It's worth it because i feel awesome and look forward to introducing the boys to race culture when they're a little older.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, we are very proud of your discipline. Work hard, run fast an provide a good role model for the little guys.