
Last day as a 14-month old

We made it through our first heat wave weekend, but there's not much immediate relief in the forecast and now we have a childcare crisis to weather as well.

First the fun stuff. Henry and i spent the day with our good buddies out in Oak Park. We spent a good portion of the time at the pool by their house. The kids had a blast and it was the most fun Henry has ever had with the water. Today was a scorcher so the pool was busy, but it wasn't too packed and they had a really nice sized baby pool. We hung out in the water which was cool but not freezing like our backyard baby pool and once Henry commandeered Helen's baby float he was off and running-- literally. The deep end was 1'6", so he had no problem pushing himself around as if in a water walker. He got the biggest kick of out being so mobile and was just exploring the whole pool, spinning himself around, and trying to share others toys. We spent several hours there and thanks to my dutiful sunscreen application and re-application (and the bathing suit Henry wore which looks like a full wet-suit) no one got burned!

We found out at the beach that Henry's skin doesn't like something in the special baby sunblock that i bought for him. It was supposed to be hypoallergenic and tear free, but it caused him, to break out in a flushed rash all over his body for two days after i used it. Since then i've used two normal coppertone formulations (after a spot test) and haven't had any problems. Go figure.

So the quandary we're in all started when we got home tonight after capping the day with dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant. I had a message from Brenda, and i could just tell from her voice that something was terribly wrong. Her father passed away this morning and she's going to be closed until the 26th while she helps her family with the funeral arrangements and is with her family. I feel absolutely terrible for her and her family, and my thoughts will be with them as they try to sort through this.

When i first heard the message i thought she was saying she was CLOSING the daycare effective the 26th, but once i listened to it a few more times and had JT listen to it we confirmed it's just closed until the 26th. That still presents a challenge for us, but at least a temporary one.

We're looking at a couple of different options of patching daycare together. We'll have to see what we can work out.

All of Henry's 14 month pictures are up on the new site (or will be by midnight or so when they're finished uploading!)


Tabitha said...


I know we're ALL the way out in OP but I think if you needed to get a couple days covered, I could talk to our daycare. I think they could handle Henry:).

Plus, if it helps, I was planning on taking off next Monday so we could take Henry then if needed, either I could pick him up or you could drop off whichever.

We had a great time, thanks for coming out!

Anonymous said...

Keep us in mind to help w/Henry also. By the way, I get that rash, too. Mine itches like crazy and I hope H's did not! When do you go to Michigan? We'll talk soon. Sheree

Anonymous said...

Keep us in mind to help w/Henry also. By the way, I get that rash, too. Mine itches like crazy and I hope H's did not! When do you go to Michigan? We'll talk soon. Sheree

Anonymous said...

Keep us in mind to help w/Henry also. By the way, I get that rash, too. Mine itches like crazy and I hope H's did not! When do you go to Michigan? We'll talk soon. Sheree