

Henry does indeed like his new jumper. I think as he gets the hang of it he'll like it even more. Right now he does a kind of side-to-side jig that makes the contraption bounce up and down. He definitely enjoys standing upright and likes playing with the lights and toys on the front of it.

Naps were very, very short today-- none more than 30 minutes so he was pretty cranky by this evening. We walked down and met JT at the train and he was calm in the stroller and got a short second wind once we were home-- this was nice so that he and JT had a little bit of pleasent time together. Then it was off to the bath and on to bed-- i swear he fell asleep before i even turned and left the room.

At his 4 month appointment the doctor suggested trying to transition him off the zantac he's been taking. I was down to just one dose a day but it seems like Henry's stomach is bothering him again. Today he was pulling his legs up and arching back while eating which he hasn't done in quite awhile. I think we're going to need to go back to the full three doses a day for awhile longer.

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